Thursday, January 7, 2010

dating hurts my brain

Trying to plan multiple dates all at once is very difficult. It takes a lot of time and brain power. I'm about to need a chart. Well, I already need a chart.

1/8 -- Book reading with B, or maybe dinner with D. D is a backup if B doesn't say yes to the book reading.

1/9 -- art gallery opening? I'm working on a date for that one maybe.

1/10 -- coffee and movie downtown with A

1/13 -- outdoor ice skating with B (different B)

1/14 -- culinary academy food challenge with D (different D)

1/17 -- maybe brunch with S

1/18 -- maybe a daytime date with yet another B?

1/21 -- Third Thursday at the art museum with J

1/23 -- I have several requests to go see Avatar at the IMAX. I need to set one of those up for this day I think.

salsa dancing TBD with C

some as yet determined thing on some as yet determined date with L. I need to do some research and come up with something fun.

I can also already plan out a date for February, with another special event at the art museum.

dang, if all of those come through, that's 10 easily, or more. And there are still people whose emails I have not yet responded to or guys who I've exchanged emails with but not made plans with. So far, Craigslist is successful with the numbers. I got 40 or so responses in the first two days, with an occasional new response still trickling in. Now it's about seeing who all these dudes are.


  1. I was thinking, when I started this that I might end up using crazyblinddate to fill in just to get the numbers. I don't think I will. Maybe, just to spice things up, next month, I do 10 crazyblinddates.

  2. That's an awesome # of responses!! And the fact that so many aren't too skeevy to write off is good!

  3. Caro, you're an inspiration! I think I might do the CL thing! Eep!
