Saturday, January 9, 2010

Finally We meet in person!

I've found that guys my age (40's) seem to want a long term email pen pal before they every want to meet for coffee or whatever. I don't know if it's just guys that age, but that's been my experience so far. I had one guy that I wrote back and forth with for almost two months. He seemed nice enough,but he lived about an hour away from me and I sort of lost interest after awhile and stopped writing to him. Instead of writing me a short note asking why I had stopped writing, he wrote some pitiful note about how we live in a society that makes people disposable. WTF? I almost didn't even respond, but I was truthful and told him that I was looking for a long term relationship, not a pen pal and that I really wanted to meet people in person. Also, I do not think people are disposable. He apologized, but I stopped writing to him. Then, there's another guy, I'll call him R. I had corresponded with him over a year ago on POF and stopped before we had a chance to meet. More recently he contacted me on and we have been corresponding for a little over a month. We've also been talking on the phone. Not really often, but when we do talk, it's for about 2 hours at a time. We tried to get together a couple of times before the holidays, but the timing wasn't right. We didn't talk over the holidays, but got back in touch afterwards and talked on the phone again. I sent him an email telling him I was sick on Thrusday and that afternoon, when I was at the pinnacle of feeling sorry for myself being sick and miserable about being alone, he called me to check on me to see how I was feeling and to see if I needed to whine- what a guy! Anyway, the next day, I was feeling much better and asked if he wanted to meet for coffee. He agreed and we met at his cafe after I got off of work. It was a little overwhelming to me at first, because it was his territory and his employees would no doubt be curious, but it worked out fine! He's also a potter and gave me a beautiful raku pot that he had made. I finally left after almost 3 hours because I was started to feel kind of bad again and wanted to get home and I knew he was busy with work. So, I think this may be off to a good start, but I never know how these things will work out. He asked if I wanted to go out for dinner and a movie some time soon, but that has happened so many times with no follow through on other first meetings, that I can't be sure if he meant it or not. I hope so, I did enjoy his company!
Keep your fingers crossed for me!

1 comment:

  1. If he gave you a pot he made, he must be genuinely interested, I think.

    But I really don't understand why people, at the end of a date, would suggest going out again when they don't want to. I've had it happen where a guy will say something like "I had a great time tonight we should do it again!" and then never suggest doing anything else. Thankfully the last time this happened I didn't really want to see him again, but it still annoys me! There are plenty of ways to end a date politely and without suggesting doing something again.
